Sunday, September 8, 2024

Is It Possible To Get Hiv From Oral Sex

Can I Get Hiv From Oral Sex

Is it possible to transmit HIV through saliva?

So it’s 2am, you’re in a bathroom at a house party and some guy you just met is breathing into your stomach while he unzips your fly. What do you need to know before you shove your dick in his mouth?

Blowjobs should be a great time for everyone involved, and getting rid of any misconceptions about HIV and STIs means you can enjoy the moment without worry.

If You Swallow The Semen Of An Hiv

The risk of acquiring HIV during oral sex is pretty low, but it isn’t zero. Taking your partner’s ejaculate in your mouth appears to make transmission more likely. Almost all of the individuals who say that oral sex must have been the way they acquired HIV and whose cases have been medically evaluated mention that they took ejaculate in the mouth.

It isn’t actually the swallowing that matters, it’s probably having the ejaculate in your mouth . In the stomach, digestive enzymes and acidity may inactivate HIV.

But the risk of acquiring HIV during vaginal or anal sex is far, far higher than during oral sex. It’s also worth remembering that when a person with HIV receives antiretroviral treatment, the amount of HIV in his body fluids falls dramatically. Put simply there will be very little HIV in his semen, so transmission is highly unlikely. This applies to all forms of sex, including oral sex.

K So Is There Ever A Big Risk

Here are some factors that could raise your risk of getting or transmitting HIV:

  • Viral load. If youre living with HIV, you know that viral load refers to how much HIV is in a specific amount of your blood. HIV meds and treatments can help you lower your viral load. A high viral load increases your chance of transmitting HIV to your partner.
  • Giving or receiving? The risk of transmission is highest when the person with HIV is on the receiving end. Thats because the giver could have a small cut or sore in their mouth that would increase their risk of contracting the virus.
  • Ejaculation. Lots of cum during oral sex could increase your risk of spreading the virus, but it would need to be combined with other risk factors.
  • Scratches, cuts, or sores. Any opening to your or your partners bloodstream can be a path for HIV transmission. For example, if youre HIV-positive and have mouth sores, theres potential for blood-to-fluid contact.
  • Period sex. Blood = higher risk of transmitting HIV.
  • Urethritis. An irritated urethra increases your risk of contracting or transmitting HIV. Its best to hold off on sexy times until the inflammation and infection pass.

Cool, so the risk of HIV transmission from oral sex is next to nothing. But taking precautions reduces your risk even more.

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Tattoos And Body Piercings

  • There are no known cases in the United States of anyone getting HIV this way.
  • However, it is possible to get HIV from tattooing or body piercing if the equipment used for these procedures has someone elses blood in it or if the ink is shared. This is more likely to happen when the person doing the procedure is unlicensed because of the potential for unsanitary practices such as sharing needles or ink.
  • If you get a tattoo or a body piercing, be sure that the person doing the procedure is properly licensed and that they use only new or sterilized needles, ink, and other supplies.

Tips For Safer Oral Sex

Oral Sex and HIV: What Are the Risks?

If a partner who is living with HIV has an undetectable viral load, their risk of transmitting HIV during oral sex is zero, whether they use the tips below or they do not.

If a partner living with HIV is not taking HIV drugs and/or has a detectable viral load, the chance of HIV transmission during oral sex is still low. The tips below can lower that chance even further. If you are not sure of your or your partners HIV status, and are not taking PrEP or if the partner living with HIV is not on treatment or is known to have a detectable viral load oral sex can be safer if you and/or your partner:

  • get treatment for any other STIs you may have
  • do not have gum disease
  • wait to have oral sex until any mouth sores or genital cuts, scrapes, or sores have healed
  • wait until after having oral sex to floss, brush your teeth, or do anything that could create cuts or cause bleeding in your mouth
  • If you want to freshen up before oral sex, consider using a breath mint instead
  • avoid swallowing pre-cum, semen, vaginal fluids, or menstrual blood
  • use latex or polyisoprene condoms for oral sex on a penis
  • Try the flavored ones that come without lube on them
  • If you perform oral sex without a condom, finish up with your hand, or spit semen out rather than swallowing it
  • use a dental dam or cut-open condom for oral sex on a vagina or for rimming
  • wait to put your mouth on a person’s vagina until after they finish menstruating to prevent contact with blood
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    More On Oral Sex At Thebodycom

    To find out more about the risk from oral sex, we recommend the following articles:

    • You note that the transmission risk of receptive oral sex is 1 per 10000 exposures. Does that risk increase if ejaculate is swallowed?
    • Can I get HIV from pre-cum?About 2 months back I had unprotected oral sex with a man, but I didn’t swallow when he ejaculated. Naturally however, there was pre-cum and I’m very scared that I might have HIV.

    Hiv Treatment & Undetectable

    Todays HIV treatments, called antiretroviral therapy or ART, are extremely effective. Some treatments are a single tablet. Long-acting injectable medications are likely to be approved and available soon. Medicine has come a long way since the first HIV treatment options became available in the 1990s.

    There is still no functional cure for HIV, but ART can help people live long, healthy lives. Todays medications are provided in combinations that reduce a persons viral load to levels so low its undetectable. People who become undetectable cannot transmit the virus to others.

    Viral load is a term that describes how much virus a person living with HIV has in their body.

    Without HIV medications, the virus replicates which causes the amount of virus in the body to increase.

    HIV medications prevent HIV from making copies of itself. Then, the amount of HIV in the body goes down.

    To see how well HIV treatments are working, doctors and other providers measure the amount of virus in the blood and report a measurement called your viral load. Its simply a measurement of how many copies of the virus are in a single unit of blood.

    A very low amount of virus may even be undetectable by viral load tests . A common undetectable level is < 20 copies per milliliter of blood. Low viral loads are those that are less than 200 copies per milliliter. Very high viral loads can be over 500,000 copies per milliliter.

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    How To Have Oral Sex


    • Oral sex is using your mouth and tongue to stimulate your partners genitals or anus.
    • Like all sex, different people enjoy different things.
    • There is very little risk of HIV infection from oral sex but other sexually transmitted infections such as herpes, gonorrhoea and syphilis are easily passed on.
    • Using a condom or a dental dam helps to protect you from STIs.
    • Avoid oral sex if either of you has sores around your mouth, genitals or anus, or and cuts, bleeding or infection in your throat or mouth.

    ‘Going down’, ‘rimming’ and ‘blow jobs’ are some of the many ways of describing oral sex. But whats the best way to do it?

    Whether you are thinking about having oral sex for the first time or just want some more information read on for tips on how enjoy safe oral sex

    Top Tips For Oral Sex

    Misconceptions about STIs – mental_floss on YouTube (Ep. 35)

    It can take a while to work out what makes someone feel good. The best thing to do is to keep communicating with your partner. Ask them to tell you what feels nice and let them know when you are enjoying something.

    If youre happy and comfortable with someone, oral sex can be a great way to get physically closer and learn what turns each other on. If you find you arent enjoying something you can stop at any time you want, and the same is true for your partner.

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    Interpreting The Numberswhat Additional Information Needs To Be Provided

    Some clients may see these numbers and think their risk of HIV transmission is low. Therefore, caution is needed when interpreting them. If these numbers are provided to clients, they should be accompanied by information that helps shed light on why the risk may be higher than it seems.

    Transmission can occur after one exposure.

    It is important to emphasize that a person could become infected from having unprotected sex once or a person could have unprotected sex many times and not become infected, regardless of how low or high the risk per exposure is.

    A risk of 1% would mean that an average of one infection would occur if 100 HIV-negative people were exposed to HIV through a certain type of sex. It does not mean that a person needs to be exposed 100 times for HIV infection to occur.

    These are estimates of average risk in the absence of biological factors that increase risk.

    The numbers in the table above are rough estimates. They are averages and do not represent the risk from all exposures to HIV through a certain type of sex.

    The risk of HIV transmission may be much higher than these averages if biological risk factors are present. For example, research shows that STIs and some vaginal conditions, such as bacterial vaginosis, can increase the risk of HIV transmission by up to 8 times.6,7,8 As a result, the risk of an HIV-negative woman becoming infected through unprotected receptive vaginal sex could be closer to 1% if she has a vaginal STI.

    How Safe Is Oral Sex

    Although it is possible to become infected with HIV through oral sex, the risk of becoming infected in this way is much lower than the risk of infection via unprotected sexual intercourse with a man or woman.When giving oral sex to a man a person could become infected with HIV if infected semen came into contact with damaged and receding gums, or any cuts or sores they might have in their mouth.

    Giving oral sex to a woman is also considered relatively low risk. Transmission could take place if infected sexual fluids from a woman got into the mouth of her partner. The likelihood of infection might be increased if there is menstrual blood involved or if the woman is infected with another sexually transmitted disease.

    The likelihood of either a man or a woman becoming infected with HIV as a result of receiving oral sex is extremely low, as saliva does not contain infectious quantities of HIV.

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    How You Become Infected

    There is HIV virus in body fluids like vaginal secretions and semen. If those fluids are present, they can enter the bloodstream of someone who doesn’t have HIV through an opening such as a mouth sore or a genital ulcer.

    Your chances are higher of getting HIV if you:

    What Is Oral Sex

    HIV and Oral Sex â Cypher Avenue

    Oral sex involves using your mouth or tongue to stimulate your partners genitals or anus.

    Many people enjoy oral sex as part of their sex life but it is a very personal thing and not everybody likes it or chooses to do it. Different people like to give or receive oral sex in different ways. There are a whole variety of ways to lick, suck and stimulate someone. You may decide not to have oral sex at all, or you may enjoy experimenting with your partner to find out what gives you both pleasure.

    It is important to talk to your partner so you can understand what you both enjoy and what you would prefer to avoid.

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    How To Reduce The Risk

    Although the risk of HIV passing to another person through oral sex is low, people can take steps to reduce it further.

    For example, people with HIV can avoid ejaculating in the mouth of their sexual partner. They can do this by using a condom or withdrawing the penis before ejaculation.

    A dental dam is another option. This is a small latex or silicone sheet that a person places over the vagina, anus, or mouth during sex.

    Flossing or brushing the teeth can cause the gums to bleed, so it might also help to avoid this right before sexual activity.

    People without HIV can take additional steps to avoid transmission, including:

    • taking pre-exposure prophylaxis medication beforehand
    • using condoms or dental dams correctly during all sexual activities
    • avoiding lubricants with an oil base, such as Vaseline or baby oil
    • taking post-exposure prophylaxis within a couple of days after the sexual contact
    • getting regular sexual health checkups

    People with HIV should take antiretroviral medication exactly as their doctor recommends.

    In the early stages of HIV, people might experience:

    • a fever
    • rashes that are not itchy
    • aching muscles
    • swollen glands, or lymph nodes
    • oral sores

    Ways Hiv Can Be Transmitted

    How is HIV passed from one person to another?

    Most people who get HIV get it through anal or vaginal sex, or sharing needles, syringes, or other drug injection equipment . But there are powerful tools that can help prevent HIV transmission.

    Can I get HIV from anal sex?

    You can get HIV if you have anal sex with someone who has HIV without using protection .

    • Anal sex is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting HIV.
    • Being the receptive partner is riskier for getting HIV than being the insertive partner .
    • The bottoms risk of getting HIV is very high because the rectums lining is thin and may allow HIV to enter the body during anal sex.
    • The top is also at risk because HIV can enter the body through the opening at the tip of the penis , the foreskin if the penis isnt circumcised, or small cuts, scratches, or open sores anywhere on the penis.

    Can I get HIV from vaginal sex?

    You can get HIV if you have vaginal sex with someone who has HIV without using protection .

    Can HIV be transmitted from a mother to her baby?

    HIV can be transmitted from a mother to her baby during pregnancy, birth, or breastfeeding. However, it is less common because of advances in HIV prevention and treatment.

    Can I get HIV from sharing needles, syringes, or other drug injection equipment?

    You are at high risk for getting HIV if you with someone who has HIV. Never share needles or other equipment to inject drugs, hormones, steroids, or silicone.

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    ‘can I Get Hiv From Oral Sex Is A Question Weve Been Asked Frequently Through Our Website So Today Weve Put Together Your All You Need To Know About Oral Sex Risk Guide

    This article is also available in Simplified Chinese and Thai.

    Oral sex is one of the more popular sexual acts encountered in the bedroom with the Australian Study of Health and Relationships revealing that 88% of men in Australia have experienced oral sex. So that perhaps explains the reason why we get asked this sensible question so often: does oral sex put me at risk of getting HIV?

    Lets look a little closer

    Can I Become Infected If My Partner Has Hiv

    An HIV FAQ

    A partnership where one person is infected with HIV and the other is not can be described as a sero-discordant relationship. There is a risk of HIV transmission if the discordant couple has unprotected sex. However, this risk can be greatly reduced with the use of condoms during vaginal, anal and oral sex. Both partners in a discordant sexual relationship should take on the responsibility of protecting one another from HIV infection.

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    Is There Risk Of Hiv Transmission When Having A Tattoo Body Piercing Or Getting A Hair Cut Or Shave

    There is a risk of HIV transmission if instruments contaminated with blood are not sterilized between clients. However, people who carry out body piercing or tattooing should follow procedures called ‘universal precautions’, which are designed to prevent the transmission of blood borne infections such as HIV and Hepatitis B.

    When having a hair cut there is no risk of infection unless the skin is cut and infected blood gets into the wound. Traditional ‘cut-throat’ razors used by barbers now have disposable blades, which should only be used once, thus eliminating the risk from blood-borne infections such as Hepatitis and HIV.

    Low/no Risk Sexual Practices

    There are a number of sexual practices that present no or low risk for HIV transmission that you and a partners can enjoy. These include the following:


    Massage and rubbing bodies against each other presents no risk of passing on HIV.

    RimmingYou cannot acquire or pass on HIV by rimming . However, hepatitis A and gut infections such as shigella are easily passed on this way.

    KissingSaliva does not transmit HIV meaning kissing is completely safe.

    WatersportsThe terms watersports and piss-play refer to sexual acts involving urine. HIV is not present in urine so watersports carry no risk of HIV transmission.


    Oral sexOral sex carries a very small risk for HIV transmission. For more detailed information, check out our Oral Sex page.

    FingeringPlaying with someones arse or vagina with your fingers is a low risk activity for passing on HIV. However, trimmed fingernails and thorough hand washing is a good idea to help prevent damage to the wall of the anus or vagina and to lessen the risk of passing or acquiring a sexually transmitted infection .

    FistingFisting means inserting your fist in someones arse or vagina. Fists can create serious cuts in the lining of the arse or vagina, which can allow HIV to be passed on if the person being fisted is then fucked without a condom. The person doing the fisting could also get HIV if they have any cuts or scratches. Latex gloves are important for protecting both participants. Surgical gloves are best.

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