Sunday, September 8, 2024

How To Cure Hiv Aids

Antibiotic Molecule Enables Immune System To Kill Hiv Infected Cells


Researchers have discovered an unexpected potential weapon against HIV protein.

Ever since the first cases of a mysterious disease in the early 1980s exploded into the HIV/AIDS pandemic, researchers have been searching for ways to outsmart the deadly virus. Now thanks to anti-retroviral therapy, people living with HIV can live relatively normal lifespansas long as they take their medications every day.

If they ever stop, in short order the virus rebounds and resets at the high levels seen before starting and that seems to be the case even after decades of therapy, says Mark Painter, Ph.D., a graduate student in the University of Michigan Medical Schools department of microbiology and immunology.

The reason is that HIV can hide inside the human genome, lying dormant and ready to emerge at any time. Because of this, a true cure for HIV relies on waking the latent virus and eliminating it before it has a chance to again take hold of the bodys cells, an approach known as shock and kill.

The research tried to determine if there was an FDA-approved drug or molecule already on the market that could override Nef, restore the functioning of MHC-I and allow the bodys own immune system, specifically cells known as cytotoxic T lymphocytes, to recognize the HIV-infected cells and destroy them.

After screening approximately 30,000 molecules, they discovered that a class of antibiotic molecules called pleicomacrolides inhibited Nef.

Symptoms Of Hiv Infection

Some people may not develop any symptoms after contracting HIV and could remain undiagnosed until the symptoms of AIDS appear. This could be up to 10 years later.

However, 50% or more of people living with HIV may develop mild flu-like symptoms within 2 to 4 weeks. Early symptoms may include:

  • chills
  • muscle aches
  • swollen glands

The symptoms of HIV infection may last from a few days to weeks. They may go away on their own.

Misdiagnosis of early HIV infection is common. If you think you have HIV, speak with your health care provider about being tested.

Ways To Stay Healthy And 9 Home Treatments

By stephanyOn 07/08/2020

If you have the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV, you need to be especially vigilant about keeping your immune system strong. HIV kills important cells in the immune system called CD4 lymphocytes, or T cells. In people with HIV, the number of T cells can fall dangerously low, leading to a weakened immune system state called acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS. Adhering to treatment for HIV is a must. In addition, you can start taking these steps to get in the best physical shape possible.

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What Does Science Say

One theory is that garlic’s sulfur-containing amino acids stimulate the immune system and help fight infections. In 2016, The Journal of Nutrition published a study suggesting that helper T cells and natural killer cells may respond to garlic in the diet.

The study participants were adults aged 21 to 50 years, they were divided into two groups. During the cold and flu season, the first group took 2.56 grams of garlic extract daily for 90 days, and the second a placebo.

Then the scientists measured the activity of T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells in each participant, taking into account how much sick he was, according to his own data. The results indicate that regular intake of garlic can improve the functioning of immune cells.

Stimulating the immune system enables people with HIV to stay healthy. However, research does not confirm that eating garlic protects HIV carriers from infection.

The National Cancer Institute admits that garlic actually has some anti-cancer properties. Given that people with HIV are particularly susceptible to certain types of cancer, if their risk of getting sick can be reduced, the overall outlook will improve in some cases.

The authors of one systematic review conducted a meta-analysis of 14 studies on the effects of garlic on colon cancer. Based on their findings, consuming garlic does not reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. It is worth noting that there are no studies showing effects on the most common cancers in HIV.

What We Need To Know About Hiv Aids

The History of HIV Cure Research: Reaching for a Cure ...

Like any virus, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus is first and foremost an infectious agent that requires a host which it uses, and components to replicate. That is, it seeks to reduce the number of cells responsible for the defense of the body of HIV-positive people. Thus, it reaches and damages the body by attacking the immune system.

HIV remains the virus that causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome . Because it interferes with the bodys ability to fight infections. As a result, it is transmitted sexually, through the bloodstream and from mother to child.

In fact, the first symptoms of HIV are similar to those of the flu. But in the majority of cases, one can note: fatigue, fever, sore throat, aches, headaches and sometimes swollen lymph nodes. Elsewhere, it also manifests itself through the appearance of other opportunistic diseases such as genital herpes.

If you want to know more about HIV AIDS, we suggest you read our content below:

  • HIV in 18 questions: Answers provided.
  • HIV and AIDS, the big differences.

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Managing Your Condition At Home

  • 1Create a daily routine for taking your medication. When you have HIV, its very important to take your medication every day in order to keep your infection under control. Skipping your medications can allow your infection to get worse, put you at risk of passing the virus on to others, and increase your risk of developing a drug-resistant strain of HIV.XTrustworthy SourceCenters for Disease Control and PreventionMain public health institute for the US, run by the Dept. of Health and Human ServicesGo to source Work on developing a routine to help you stay on top of your daily doses.XResearch source
  • Try to take your medications at the same time each day. To help you with this, you might set an alarm, use a medication reminder app, or ask a friend or family member to help remind you.
  • Let your doctor know if you have trouble sticking to your medication routine for any reason, such as difficulty remembering to take the pills, trouble swallowing your pills, or financial problems making it hard to afford your medication. They can give you advice about how to manage these issues.
  • Never stop taking your medications, even if you dont have any symptoms or tests show that your viral load is undetectable. Always talk to your doctor before making any changes to your medication routine.
  • If youre not sure which foods are healthiest for you, talk to your doctor or a dietitian.
  • Acetyl-L-carnitine. This supplement may help ease nerve pain associated with HIV.
  • Does Art Cause Side Effects

    Like most medicines, antiretroviral therapy can cause side effects. However, not everyone experiences side effects from ART. The HIV medications used today have fewer side effects, fewer people experience them, and they are less severe than in the past. Side effects can differ for each type of ART medicine and from person to person. Some side effects can occur once you start a medicine and may only last a few days or weeks. Other side effects can start later and last longer.

    If you experience side effects that are severe or make you want to stop taking your HIV medication, talk to your health care provider or pharmacist before you miss any doses or stop taking the medication. Skipping doses or starting and stopping medication can lead to drug resistance, which can harm your health and limit your future treatment options.

    Some side effects of ART that are most commonly reported include:

    • Nausea and vomiting,

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    Treatment Reduces The Amount Of Hiv In The Blood

    • The amount of HIV in the blood is called viral load.
    • Taking your HIV medicine as prescribed will help keep your viral load low and your CD4 cell count high.
    • HIV medicine can make the viral load very low . Viral suppression is defined as having less than 200 copies of HIV per milliliter of blood.
    • HIV medicine can make the viral load so low that a test cant detect it .
    • If your viral load goes down after starting HIV treatment, that means treatment is working. Continue to take your medicine as prescribed.
    • If you skip your medications, even now and then, you are giving HIV the chance to multiply rapidly. This could weaken your immune system, and you could become sick.
    • Getting and keeping an undetectable viral load is the best way to stay healthy and protect others.

    Early Sensitisation And Planning At All Levels For Accelerated Uptake

    How to Treat AIDS

    Efforts to coordinate HIV cure research engagement and advocacy have emerged, including formal partnerships between academia and industry. However, few use product development planning to link public and private research and development to international, national, and subnational awareness. Early engagement in both research and product development could facilitate policy making, funding, advocacy, and planning for implementation after a product comes to market.

    Despite efforts to scale up effective HIV prevention interventions, uptake has been disappointing, partly because implementation and uptake strategies were not considered until late product development., Examples of suboptimal implementation exist beyond HIV, including the malaria and Ebola vaccines. Learning from past efforts, the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise echoes the call for early sensitisation, stakeholder mobilisation before regulatory approval, and investments in planning activities to accelerate the development of a preventive HIV vaccine. A similar framework is being prepared for the anticipated availability of long-acting antiretrovirals.

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    Is It Hard To Take These Drugs

    The HIV medicines that currently are recommended are usually very simple and easy to take. Several drug combinations are available that package 3 separate medicines into only 1 pill, taken once a day, with minimal side effects.

    For the great majority of people, HIV medicines are tolerable and effective, and let people with HIV live long and healthy lives. For some people, the drugs may be difficult to take every day, and for a small number, they cause serious side effects or don’t work well.

    Once patients are on medications, they must work with their health care providers to find solutions for side effects and monitor how well the drugs are working.

    The good news is that there are many excellent HIV medicines. Finding the right combination of medicines for each person is usually possible–a combination that controls the virus but does not cause side effects.

    What Is Hiv Treatment

    HIV treatment involves taking medicines that slow the progression of the virus in your body. HIV is a type of virus called a retrovirus, and the combination of drugs used to treat it is called antiretroviral therapy . ART is recommended for all people living with HIV, regardless of how long theyve had the virus or how healthy they are. ART must be taken every day, exactly as your health care provider prescribes.

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    Induce And Reduce: Our Approach To Hiv Cure

    HIV is a sneaky virus that can persist in a small population of cells even while its spread to new cells is being suppressed by ARVs. Unless we can find a way to expose hidden HIV and selectively target these cells, well continue to require chronic treatments to keep the virus at bay. Thats why cure research currently underway by Qura Therapeutics and ViiV Healthcare targets these pockets of virus through the concept of induce and reduce.

    This strategy is first focused on driving HIV hidden in human immune cells to make viral proteins that allow the cells with HIV to be recognised . Once cells harbouring HIV are exposed, drugs can then tag these reservoir cells for elimination by the host immune system . The Induce and Reduce agents will all be given while people are on suppressive ARV therapy to protect healthy cells from the virus. While it may sound straight forward, it has been a major challenge to reactivate the virus in animals or people in an effective and safe way.

    The research required to develop an HIV cure is complex and requires a commitment to the long-term. As we look ahead to the future, were optimistic that the initial steps weve taken towards establishing our approach to HIV cure will move from the laboratory into clinical studies in people, big steps in the long journey to finding a cure for HIV. It is our lifes work to end the HIV epidemic, and we will be here until HIV isnt.


    Is There A Cure For Hiv And Aids

    Cure for HIV


    • There is no cure for HIV, although antiretroviral treatment can control the virus, meaning that people with HIV can live long and healthy lives.

    • Most research is looking for a functional cure where HIV is permanently reduced to undetectable and harmless levels in the body, but some residual virus may remain.

    • Other research is looking for a sterilising cure where HIV is removed from the body completely, but this is more complicated and risky.

    • Trials of HIV vaccines are encouraging, but so far only offer partial protection.

    There is no cure for HIV yet. However, antiretroviral treatment can control HIV and allow people to live a long and healthy life.

    For some people, treatment can reduce the level of HIV in their body to such a low amount that they are unable to pass it on . Having an undetectable viral load can keep you healthy, but its not a cure for HIV. To maintain an undetectable viral load a person must keep adhering to their antiretroviral treatment.

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    What Is Art And How Does It Help Prevent Hiv

    Antiretroviral therapy is a combination of medicines that slows down the effects of HIV in your body and can help you stay healthy for many years. It can also lower or even stop your chances of giving HIV to anyone else.

    ART lowers the amount of HIV in your body sometimes to the point where HIV wont show up on standard blood tests. If your HIV viral load is so low that certain tests cant see it, its called undetectable. When someone has an undetectable viral load, they cant spread HIV to others during sex.

    Its important to remember that even with an undetectable viral load, HIV is still present in your body. If you stop treatment your viral load can go up, making it possible to pass HIV to others you have sex with. Your doctor or nurse can help you find the treatment thats best for you to help keep your viral load low, so you can stay healthy.

    When Are Children Tested For Hiv

    HIV infections get worse quickly in the very young. The sooner the doctor can diagnose HIV, the more quickly and aggressively he or she can treat the infection. Children who are at high risk of being infected with HIV are tested as early as possible. If the mother had HIV during her pregnancy and wasn’t treated for it, her newborn may be given a blood test at birth. The doctor won’t wait for symptoms to appear.

    More tests will be given as the baby grows. The baby will be tested for HIV within 2 to 3 weeks of birth and again in the weeks and months to come. The baby will be considered free of HIV infection if there are no symptoms and he or she is tested for the presence of the HIV virus at about 2 to 3 weeks, 4 to 6 weeks, and 2 to 4 months and all test results are negative.

    All children, regardless of age, who have an HIV-positive mother are tested for HIV whether they show symptoms or not. Children who go to the doctor with HIV-like symptoms are tested as part of their examination.

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    How Do I Get Tested For Hiv

    A small blood sample, mouth swab, or urine sample is used to test people for HIV. It can take as long as three to six months after initial exposure for the signs of the virus to show up in your blood, and years before you show any symptoms.

    You can be tested at a doctor’s office, hospital, community health center, or other health clinic. Some places have mobile testing vans. AIDS services organizations also may provide testing. At-home testing kits are also available.

    Depending on where you go, testing may be free. You may be able to choose to take the test without giving your name. Many providers or groups that offer HIV testing also provide counseling.

    If you choose to take a test at home, make sure to use a test that has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration . If the test has not been approved by the FDA, it may not give accurate results. Home tests are sold at drugstores and online. Follow up with your doctor to confirm the results of at-home tests and, if necessary, begin treatment.

    What Should People Know About Taking Hiv Medicines

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    Taking HIV medicines keeps people with HIV healthy and prevents HIV transmission. Taking HIV medicines every day and exactly as prescribed also reduces the risk of drug resistance.

    But sometimes HIV medicines can cause side effects. Most side effects from HIV medicines are manageable, but a few can be serious. Overall, the benefits of HIV medicines far outweigh the risk of side effects. In addition, newer HIV medicines cause fewer side effects than medicines used in the past. As HIV treatment continues to improve, people are less likely to have side effects from their HIV medicines.

    HIV medicines can interact with other HIV medicines in an HIV regimen or with other medicines a person is taking. Health care providers carefully consider potential drug interactions before recommending an HIV regimen.

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