Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Origin Of Aids Documentary

Why Do Some People Say Hiv Started In The Usa In The 1980s

New documentary explores the truth behind the origin and rise of HIV/AIDS | Your Morning

Because this is when people first became aware of HIV, and it was when HIV was officially recognised as a new health condition. But HIV had actually been around for decades by then.

In 1981, rare diseases, such as Kaposi’s Sarcoma and a lung infection called PCP, were being reported among gay men in New York and California. Scientists began to suspect that an unidentified infectious ‘disease’ was the cause.

At first, the disease was called all sorts of names relating to the word gay’. It wasn’t until mid-1982 that scientists realised it was also spreading among other populations, such as haemophiliacs and people who inject drugs. In September that year, they named it Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome .

In 1983, scientists at the Pasteur Institute in France identified the virus linked to AIDS, which they called Lymphadenopathy-Associated Virus . Scientists at the USA National Cancer Institute confirmed this virus was the cause of AIDS and called it HTLV-III. LAV and HTLV-III were later acknowledged to be the same. A few years later, the virus was renamed as HIV.

Where Does Hiv Come From

HIV is thought to have occurred after people ate chimps that were carrying theSimian Immunodeficiency Virus .

HIV is a type of lentivirus, which means it attacks the immune system. SIV attacks the immune systems of monkeys and apes in a very similar way. This suggests HIV and SIV are closely related, and that SIV in monkeys and apes crossed over to humans to become HIV.

Why Is Haiti Significant

In the 1960s, the ‘B’ subtype of HIV-1 made its way to Haiti. This is thought to have happened because many Haitians had been working in the Democratic Republic of Congo and had then returned to Haiti. Initially, Haitians were blamed for starting the HIV epidemic, and suffered severe racism, stigma and discrimination as a result.

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The Origins Of Aids: Did Scientists Inadvertently Cause The Aids Epidemic 2003

Distributed by National Film Board of Canada, 1123 Broadway, Suite 307, New York, NY 10010 800-542-2164 Produced by Galafilm Productions Inc., Multimedia France Productions, Pathe Archives, Les Films de la Passerelle, RTBF, and Produce+Directed by Peter Chappell and Catherine PeixVHS, color, 43 min.

Bioethics, Biology, Ethics, Health Sciences, History, Science

Date Entered: 02/28/2006

Through the investigation of how AIDS began, this highly persuasive film encourages viewers to take a hard look at the often unsafe practices used by the scientific community when creating vaccines. The film explores two theories for the emergence of AIDS. The first is the Hunter Theory, in which humans are believed to have contracted the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus , a virus that is closely related to HIV, through the hunting and handling of chimpanzees. The second is the theory made visible by Edward Hooper, author of the book, The River, which attempts to link the spread of AIDS to the distribution of the CHAT oral polio vaccine.

Hoopers theory was debated by the Royal Society in London, causing a great stir among the scientific community. Despite the fact that no definitive evidence was found to back Hoopers theory, the investigation helped draw attention to the ethics of the scientific community and the safety precautions they fail to take.


Is There Only One Type Of Hiv

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No, there are actually two types of HIV: HIV-1 and HIV-2, and they have slightly different origins.

HIV-1 is closely related to the strain of SIV found in chimps. While HIV-2 is closely related to the strain of SIV found in sooty mangabeys monkeys. The crossover of HIV-2 to humans is believed to have happened in a similar way as HIV-1 .

HIV-2 is far more rare, and less infectious than HIV-1, so it infects far fewer people. It is mainly found in a few West African countries, such as Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.

To complicate things further, HIV is also classified by four main groups of viral strain , each of which has different genetic make-up. HIV-1 Group M is the strain that has caused the majority of HIV infections in the world today, meaning it is the dominant strain.

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Swat Teams And Copycat Cover

More and more evidence indicates that the widespread debunking that the lab leak hypothesis of the origins of COVID-19 has experienced in recent times may represent a re-run of the debunking that the OPV theory of the origin of AIDS experienced some twenty-odd years ago. Indeed, several of the same members of the scientific community have taken part in both campaigns of vilification. One of the latest articles about the origins of COVID-19 describes a SWAT team that was set up early on to discredit the hypothesis that the pandemic could have been caused by a viral leak from a laboratory. The tactics used by the SWAT teams that have taken part in the debates about how COVID and AIDS got started are characterised by ruthless attempts to disparage, discredit and deny. This commentary will focus on what increasingly look like two significant cover-ups of how recent pandemics got started. and examine the remarkable similarities between them.

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    Recommended Reading: How Can Aids Be Transmitted From One Person To Another

    Oral Polio Vaccine Aids Hypothesis

    The oral polio vaccine AIDS hypothesis is a now-discredited hypothesis that the AIDS pandemic originated from live polio vaccines prepared in chimpanzee tissue cultures, accidentally contaminated with simian immunodeficiency virus and then administered to up to one million Africans between 1957 and 1960 in experimental mass vaccination campaigns.

    Data analyses in molecular biology and phylogenetic studies contradict the OPV AIDS hypothesis consequently, scientific consensus regards the hypothesis as disproven. A 2004 Nature article has described the hypothesis as “refuted”.

    A new paper published in June 2020 analyses the September 2000 meeting of the Royal Society critically and concludes that the quick dismissal of the OPV theory at this meeting by the majority of attending scientists, especially concerning practices of vaccine production, tissue cultures and possible viral interspecies transfer in the 1950ies, was a lost opportunity to examine and understand the risks taken at the time.

    Spread To The Western Hemisphere

    Patient Zero: The MYTH of the AIDS Super Spreader (Medical Documentary) | Real Stories

    HIV-1 strains were once thought to have arrived in New York City from Haiti around 1971. It spread from New York City to San Francisco around 1976.

    HIV-1 is believed to have arrived in Haiti from central Africa, possibly from the Democratic Republic of the Congo around 1967. The current consensus is that HIV was introduced to Haiti by an unknown individual or individuals who contracted it while working in the Democratic Republic of the Congo circa 1966. A mini-epidemic followed, and circa 1969, yet another unknown individual took HIV from Haiti to the United States. The vast majority of cases of AIDS outside sub-Saharan Africa can be traced back to that single patient. Later, numerous unrelated incidents of AIDS among Haitian immigrants to the U.S. were recorded in the early 1980s. Also, as evidenced by the case of Robert Rayford, isolated occurrences of this infection may have been emerging as early as 1966. The virus eventually entered gay male communities in large United States cities, where a combination of casual, multi-partner sexual activity and relatively high transmission rates associated with allowed it to spread explosively enough to finally be noticed.

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    A Cause For Celebration: The Eradication Of Wild Poliovirus From Africa

    In these difficult and ill-starred days it is always good to have something genuine to celebrate, and the announcement earlier this week that wild poliovirus has been eradicated from Africa is definitely an event worthy of celebration. On the face of it, this leaves just Pakistan and Afghanistan to go before the global eradication of polio can be announced. However, it is not quite that simple, because the fact that wild polioviruses have been eradicated from Africa does not mean that all polioviruses have been expunged from the continent.

    Minority Theories Of Causation Origin Or Treatment

    See also: AIDS reappraisal

    A number of proponents of alternative theories of the causation or origin of AIDS are sometimes accused of being conspiracy theorists. However, non-majoritarian positions do not necessarily endorse any belief in any conspiracy, but simply think that the majority positions are incorrect from a scientific perspective.

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    Origin Of Hiv And Aids

    The origin of theHuman Immunodeficiency Virus has been a subject of scientific research and debate since the virus was identified in the 1980s. There is now a wealth of evidence on how, when and where HIV first began to cause illness in humans.

    Find out more in our interactive timeline of the HIV epidemic.

  • Want to know more about the history of HIV?
  • Another Way To View The Film

    A New Documentary Explores the Secrets and Lies of Roy Cohn

    However, it seems that there’s an alternative way to see the film . Moreover, this one is free!

    The most important thing is that people should be able to view “The Origins of AIDS”, and make up their own minds about the evidence presented – and the fact that it is free means that anyone with a decent computer can do this.

    Also Check: What Percentage Of The Population Has Hiv

    Debunked: The Polio Vaccine And Hiv Link

    When the Human Immunodeficiency Virus was discovered in the 1980s, people immediately wondered where it had come from and how it had found its way into humans. One conjecture that arose in the 1990s put the blame for HIV on a public health measure: a polio vaccine.

    In the late 1950s, several different groups of researchers were developing vaccines against polio, which at the time was still epidemic worldwide. One of these vaccines, developed by Hilary Koprowski, MD , was used in trials in Africa, after first being tested in the United States. The vaccine virus was grown in tissue cultures taken from macaque monkeys before being administered to about a million people in Burundi, Rwanda, and what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

    In 1992, Rolling Stone magazine published a story that discussed Koprowskis oral polio vaccine as a possible source of HIV and, in turn, the AIDS epidemic. Koprowski sued Rolling Stone and the writer of the article, and the magazine issued a clarification statement in December 1993, saying

    Although Hoopers claims were widely publicized, evidence does not support the idea of a link between OPV and HIV.

    The Aids Epidemic Arises

    Though HIV arrived in the United States around 1970, it didnt come to the publics attention until the early 1980s.

    In 1981, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a report about five previously healthy homosexual men becoming infected with Pneumocystis pneumonia, which is caused by the normally harmless fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii. This type of pneumonia, the CDC noted, almost never affects people with uncompromised immune systems.

    The following year, The New York Times published an alarming article about the new immune system disorder, which, by that time, had affected 335 people, killing 136 of them. Because the disease appeared to affect mostly homosexual men, officials initially called it gay-related immune deficiency, or GRID.

    Though the CDC discovered all major routes of the diseases transmissionas well as that female partners of AIDS-positive men could be infectedin 1983, the public considered AIDS a gay disease. It was even called the gay plague for many years after.

    In September of 1982, the CDC used the term AIDS to describe the disease for the first time. By the end of the year, AIDS cases were also reported in a number of European countries.

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    Never Miss A Frontline Documentary

    On the 25th anniversary of the first diagnosed cases of AIDS, FRONTLINE examines one of the worst pandemics the world has ever known. After a quarter-century of political denial and social stigma, of stunning scientific breakthroughs, bitter policy battles and inadequate prevention campaigns, HIV/AIDS continues to spread rapidly throughout much of the world. Through interviews with AIDS researchers, world leaders, activists, and patients, FRONTLINE investigates the science, politics, and human cost of this fateful disease and asks: What are the lessons of the past, and what can be done to stop AIDS?

    The Bloody Truth: Premiere Of Documentary On The Origins Of Hiv

    AIDS 101 | National Geographic


    With nearly 40 million people killed and 30 million infected, AIDS is to date the most destructive pandemic in modern history. In an effort to combat the virus, a team of scientists travel to the Democratic Republic of Congo to investigate human specimens containing the virus. They conclude that the first transmission of AIDS – from chimpanzees to humans – was around the year 1908, decades before the first cases were known.Researchers explore the colonial history of the Congo to explain how HIV spread. In the early twentieth century, anxious not to lose the indigenous labor they exploit, the colonial authorities launch mass vaccination campaigns against sleeping sickness, often using inadequately sterilized syringes. Meanwhile, the railway is developing in the country because Kinshasa is a hub of the mining industry. The virus follows in its trail. When the Congolese celebrate their independence in 1960, the pandemic is smoldering, ready to ravage the country and, later, sub-Saharan Africa. Carl Gierstorfer presents a documentary, where modern scientific inquiry is mixed with archival footage, sometimes painful, reflecting the cruelty and devastation of colonization. It also signals that the conditions for a new pandemic are still present.The film will premiere on Arte in Germany and France and across stations globally in advance of World AIDS day, December 1, 2014.Listings include:

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    Canadian Flight Attendant Theory

    A Canadian airline steward named Gaëtan Dugas was referred to as “Case 057” and later “Patient O” with the alphabet letter “O” standing for “outside Southern California”, in an early AIDS study by Dr. William Darrow of the Centers for Disease Control. Because of this, many people had considered Dugas to be responsible for taking HIV to North America. However, HIV reached New York City around 1971 while Dugas did not start work at Air Canada until 1974. In Randy Shilts‘ 1987 book And the Band Played On , Dugas is referred to as AIDS’s Patient Zero instead of “Patient O”, but neither the book nor the movie states that he had been the first to bring the virus to North America. He was incorrectly called “Patient Zero” because at least 40 of the 248 people known to be infected by HIV in 1983 had had sex with him, or with a person who had sexual intercourse with Dugas.

    Hepatitis B Vaccine Theory

    The dermatologist Alan Cantwell, in self-published books entitled AIDS and the Doctors of Death: An Inquiry into the Origin of the AIDS Epidemic and Queer Blood: The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot , said that HIV is a genetically modified organism developed by U.S. Government scientists. The virus was then introduced into the population through hepatitis B experiments performed on gay and bisexual men between 1978 and 1981 in major U.S. cities. Cantwell claims that these experiments were directed by Wolf Szmuness, and that there was an ongoing government cover-up of the origins of the AIDS epidemic. Similar theories have been advanced by Robert B. Strecker, Matilde Krim, and Milton William Cooper.

    Also Check: How Long Does It Take To Test For Hiv

    Latest Update On Covid Origins And A Review Of The Performance Of Flip

    Just last night I was able to view the excellent Channel Four documentary Did COVID Leak from a Lab in China?, directed by David Malone for DNA Productions, and first broadcast on Sunday August 22nd.

    In the space of 47 minutes, this documentary made a compelling case for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which has caused the COVID-19 pandemic, having an artificial origin, after escaping from a lab in Wuhan, China.

    However, I note that much of the content of the documentary was based on an impressively detailed 83-page report entitled The Origins of COVID-19: An Investigation of the Wuhan Institute of Virology that was issued by the Minority Staff of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, led by Republican Michael T. McCaul, and posted on-line as a PDF on August 2nd, at

    This appears to be the contribution made by the Republican side of the House to the debate initiated by Joe Biden in May, in which he requested a report from Congress within 90 days on the likely origins of the pandemic virus. Whatever opinions one might have on the current performance of the Republican Party, as most GOP members of Congress cluster around Trumps fiction that he won the 2020 election, this comes across as an impressive report, clearly compiled by people who know how to do proper research. I recommend it.

    Where And When Did Hiv Start

    âWhen We Riseâ: Stories Behind the Pain and Pride of Gay Rights

    Studies of some of the earliest known samples of HIV provide clues about when it first appeared in humans and how it evolved. The first verified case of HIV is from a blood sample taken in 1959 from a man who was living in what is now Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

    Scientists used this sample to create a ‘family-tree’ of HIV transmission. By doing this, they were able to trace the first transmission of SIV to HIV in humans, which they concluded took place around 1920, also in Kinshasa. This area is known for having the most genetic diversity in HIV strains in the world, reflecting the number of different times SIV was passed to humans. Many of the first cases of AIDS were recorded there too.

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