Sunday, September 8, 2024

Statistics About Hiv And Aids

Hiv Among Culturally And Linguistically Diverse Communities In Australia:

HIV Basics: Testing, Prevention, and Living with HIV
  • At least 15% of all people newly diagnosed with HIV in 2020 spoke a language other than English at home.
  • Over the past five years the proportion of late HIV diagnoses was higher among people born inSubSaharan Africa , Southeast Asia , and Central or South America .
  • The proportion of late HIV diagnoses was also higher among people who reported heterosexual sex as their HIV risk exposure and in particular, men aged over 50 years with heterosexual sex as their HIV risk exposure .

Hiv Infections For People Injecting Drugs Are Low In Western Europe Central Europe And North America

While HIV and AIDS stats for Central Asia and Eastern Europe are not as optimistic, showing signs of higher infection rates, other areas of the world are getting better. Namely, Western and Central Europe and North America are reaching the 909090 targets.

In brief, 90-90-90 is a treatment target to help end the AIDS epidemic. By 2020, it was expected that 90% of all people with HIV would know about their HIV status 90% of all people diagnosed with HIV would receive antiretroviral therapy 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy would have viral suppression.

Screening And Early Detection

Due to the benefits of antiretroviral therapy, there is no longer a reason to delay the testing and diagnosis of HIV. This is especially true given that many people with HIV have no symptoms in the early stages and may not be aware that they’ve been infected.

To ensure the timely delivery of treatment, the CDC currently recommends once-off HIV testing for people ages 13 to 64 as part of a routine healthcare appointment.

Groups with a higher incidence of acquiring the infectionincluding sexually active MSM and people who inject drugs with othersmay be advised to get tested once yearly or more.

The benefits of early diagnosis and treatment extend well beyond a longer life span. Studies have shown that early treatment can reduce your risk of serious HIV-related and non-HIV-related diseases by 53%.

In addition, by starting treatment and maintaining an undetectable viral load, your chance of infecting a sexual partner is reduced to zero.

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New Hiv Diagnoses And People With Diagnosed Hiv In The Us And Dependent Areas By Area Of Residence 2020*

Data for 2020 should be interpreted with caution due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on access to HIV testing, care-related services, and case surveillance activities in state and local jurisdictions.* Among people aged 13 and older.Source: CDC.Diagnoses of HIV infection in the United States and dependent areas, 2020. HIV Surveillance Report2022 33

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation: Pediatric Aids Prevention

The Facts About HIV

The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation was founded in 1988 by Elizabeth Glaser to find better treatments for pediatric cases of HIV and AIDS, after she lost her young daughter to the disease. Today, they are the leading organization for the prevention and treatment of pediatric AIDS.

Their impact and transparency ratings:Charity Navigator gives the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation a 3-star rating. GuideStar gives them the platinum seal of transparency.

Founded through a mothers determination, we are driven to see a world where no other mother, child or family is devastated by this disease.

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

What they do: The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation works in 19 countries across the globe to support people living with AIDS and HIV. They do this by funding research and advocating for better public policies to improve the reach and quality of HIV and AIDS resources in low-income areas. They also strengthen healthcare systems in low income areas by training local healthcare workers in HIV and AIDS treatments, increasing access to life-saving medication, and improving health financing. By offering technical assistance and program improvement, their experts on HIV and AIDS are able to provide consultations and mentorships to healthcare systems and other organizations around the world.

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Who Benefits From Preexposure Prophylaxis

People who may benefit from preexposure prophylaxis include anyone who:

  • is in a relationship with an HIV-positive person who has a detectable viral load
  • has sex with men and women
  • regularly has sexual partners of unknown HIV status, especially if they inject drugs
  • has contracted a sexually transmitted infection in the past 6 months
  • has injected drugs, been in drug treatment, or shared needles in the past 6 months

Although Strides Have Been Made In The Hiv Response Children Are Still Affected By The Epidemic

Of the estimated 38.4 million people living with HIV worldwide in 2021, 2.73 million were children aged 019. Each day in 2021, approximately 850 children became infected with HIV and approximately 301 children died from AIDS related causes, mostly because of inadequate access to HIV prevention, care and treatment services.

As of 2021, roughly 14.9 million children under the age of 18 had lost one or both parents to AIDS-related causes. Millions more have been affected by the epidemic, through a heightened risk of poverty, homelessness, school dropout, discrimination and loss of opportunities, as well as COVID-19. These hardships include prolonged illness and death. Of the estimated 650,000 people who died of AIDS-related illnesses in 2021, 110,000 of them were children under 20 years of age.

Global trends

In 2021, around 160,000 children aged 09 were newly infected with HIV, bringing the total number of children aged 09 living with HIV to 1.02 million . Nearly 86 per cent of these children live in sub-Saharan Africa. One bright spot on the global horizon is the rapid decline of approximately 52 per cent in new HIV infections among children aged 09 since 2010 due to stepped-up efforts to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV. However, the number of new HIV infections among adolescents has declined at a slower rate of about 40 per cent.

Geographic disparity

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The Annual Number Of Aids

That said, HIV prevalence took its toll on life expectancy in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, statistics of HIV assure that the life expectancy there is now back to its pre-epidemic levels, meaning that millions of people have been saved through better education, information, and access to medication. Generally speaking, it stands to reason that we can be pretty optimistic about HIV statistics in the coming years.

The Global Hiv/aids Epidemic

HIV/AIDS 101 (6:57)

HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is one of the worlds most serious public health challenges. But there is a global commitment to stopping new HIV infections and ensuring that everyone with HIV has access to HIV treatment.

According to UNAIDS:

Number of People with HIVThere were approximately 38.4 million people across the globe with HIV in 2020. Of these, 36.7 million were adults and 1.7 million were children . In addition, 54% were women and girls.

New HIV InfectionsAn estimated 1.5 million individuals worldwide acquired HIV in 2021, marking a 32% decline in new HIV infections since 2010. New HIV infections, or HIV incidence, refers to the estimated number of people who newly acquired HIV during a given period such as a year, which is different from the number of people diagnosed with HIV during a year. Of these 1.5 million new HIV infections:

  • 1.3 million were among adults
  • 160,000 were among children

HIV TestingApproximately 85% of people with HIV globally knew their HIV status in 2021. The remaining 15% did not know they had HIV and still needed access to HIV testing services. HIV testing is an essential gateway to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support services.

  • 85% knew their HIV status
  • 75% were accessing ART
  • 68% were virally suppressed

Perinatal TransmissionIn 2021, 81% of pregnant people with HIV had access to ART to prevent transmitting HIV to their babies during pregnancy and childbirth and to protect their own health.

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How Have Deaths From Hiv/aids Changed Over Time

Global deaths from HIV/AIDS halved within a decade

The world has made significant progress against HIV/AIDS. Global deaths from AIDS have halved over the past decade.

In the visualization we see the global number of deaths from HIV/AIDS in recent decades this is shown by age group. In the early 2000s 2004 to 2005 global deaths reached their peak at almost 2 million per year.

Driven mostly by the development and availability of antiretroviral therapy , global deaths have halved since then. In 2017, just under one million died from the disease.

You can explore this change for any country or region using the change country toggle on the interactive chart.

HIV/AIDS once accounted for more than 1-in-3 deaths in some countries, but rates are now falling

Global progress on HIV/AIDS has been driven by large improvements in countries which were most affected by the HIV epidemic.

Today the share of deaths remains high: more than 1-in-4 deaths in some countries are caused by HIV/AIDS. But in the past this share was even higher.In the visualization we see the change in the share of deaths from HIV/AIDS over time. From the 1990s through to the early 2000s, it was the cause of greater than 1-in-3 deaths in several countries. In Zimbabwe, it accounted for more than half of annual deaths in the late 1990s.

We see that over the past decade this share has fallen as antiretoviral treatment has become more widely available.

Children living with HIV

New HIV infections of children

Aids United: Ending The Aids Epidemic In The Us

AIDS United was founded in 1984 by a group of community organizations to advocate for those with AIDS. Today, they fight against the social injustice and discrimation faced by HIV and AIDS sufferers across the US.

Their impact and transparency ratings:Charity Navigator gives AIDS United a 3-star rating.

In the ongoing work for social justice and true equity, ending the HIV epidemic in the United States is our chosen role.

AIDS United

What they do: AIDS United offers capacity-building workshops to improve programs for HIV and AIDS prevention through staff training, social media strategies, and marketing. They also provide grants and funding to further support the implementation of programs to decrease HIV transmission across the US. In addition, the charity advocates for improved public policy to increase AIDS relief by leveraging the power of several organizations across the country.

What theyve achieved: AIDS United assists around 90 AIDS and HIV focused organizations annually. Since their inception, they have provided support to 275 organizations across the US and have directly funded over $118 million to vulnerable communities for HIV and AIDS relief.

Ways to contribute: You can donate to AIDS United on their website. You can also support the charity by assisting with their advocacy programs by writing to your state representatives.

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Key Points: Hiv Diagnoses

Gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men b are the population most affected by HIV in the U.S.:

  • In 2019, MSM accounted for 69% of new HIV diagnoses in the United States.c
  • From 2015 through 2019 in the United States and 6 dependent areas, Black/African American MSM accounted for more than 36% and White MSM accounted for more than 30% of HIV diagnoses among MSM annually.
  • In 2019, Black/African American MSM accounted for 26% of new HIV diagnoses and 37.9% of diagnoses among all MSM.
  • In 2019, Hispanic/Latinod MSM made up 22% of new HIV diagnoses and 32.5% of diagnosis among all MSM.

The number of HIV diagnoses decreased among MSM overall, but trends varied by race/ethnicity. From 2015 through 2019:

  • Among MSM aged 1324 years, HIV diagnoses decreased or were stable among all racial/ethnic groups.
  • HIV diagnoses increased among American Indian/Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander MSM, ages 24 and older.

Transgender people accounted for approximately 2% of new HIV diagnoses in 2019.

  • From 2015 through 2019 in the United States and 6 dependent areas, the number of diagnoses of HIV infection for transgender adults and adolescents increased.
  • In 2019, among transgender adults and adolescents, the largest percentage of diagnoses of HIV infections was for transgender male-to-female people.

Blacks/African Americans and Hispanics/Latinx continue to be severely and disproportionately affected by HIV:

Ai/an And Hiv Data Update

HIV in the United States and Dependent Areas

View the HIV and American Indians and Alaska Natives fact sheet Exit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving

HIV is a public health issue among American Indian and Alaska Native people, who represent about 1.7% of the US population. Compared with other racial/ethnic groups, AI/AN ranked fifth in estimated rates of HIV infection diagnoses in 2016*, with lower rates than in blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Native Hawaiians/Other Pacific Islanders, and people reporting multiple races, but higher rates than in Asians and whites.

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Pop Culture Opens Up Conversations

In 1985, actor Rock Hudson became the first major public figure to announce he had AIDS. Before he died that same year, he donated $250,000 to help establish the organization later known as amfAR, the Foundation for AIDS Research. Friend and actress Elizabeth Taylor was the national chairperson until her death in 2011.

In 1987, Princess Diana also made international headlines after she shook hands with an HIV-positive man.

Pop culture icon Freddie Mercury, singer for the band Queen, passed away from AIDS-related illness in 1991. Since then, many other public figures have revealed that theyre HIV-positive, including:

  • tennis star Arthur Ashe
  • former basketball star and entrepreneur Magic Johnson
  • Pedro Zamora, a cast member on MTVs The Real World: San Francisco
  • actor Charlie Sheen, who announced his status on national television in 2015
  • hairstylist and television personality Jonathan Van Ness
  • actor and singer Billy Porter

The Evolution Of Research And Treatment

In September 1985, President Ronald Reagan called AIDS research a top priority for his administration. This came amidst criticism that government funding was inadequate and not enough had been done to find a treatment or cure. This was Reagans first public statement about AIDS.

Zidovudine, commonly known as AZT, was introduced in 1987 as the first treatment for HIV. Scientists also developed treatments to reduce transmission during pregnancy.

In 1995, President Bill Clinton hosted the first White House Conference on HIV and AIDS, and called for a vaccine research center. This center later opened in 1999.

Throughout the years, the government has continued to fund HIV- and AIDS-related:

  • systems of care
  • studies and research

In 1996, in Vancouver, researchers at the 11th International Conference on AIDS introduced the concept of highly active antiretroviral therapy . This regimen requires people with HIV to take a combination of at least three medications daily. HAART, which is commonly known as antiretroviral therapy, became the new treatment standard in 1997.

Between 1996 and 1997, deaths from HIV in the United States, largely as a result of HAART.

Also in 1997, the FDA approved Combivir. Combivir combines the drugs zidovudine and lamivudine into a single medication, making HIV medications easier to take.

The FDA continues to approve HIV medical products, regulating:

  • product approval

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Eastern Europe And Central Asia Show The Greatest Increase In Hiv Ratesa 72% Rise In 20102019

Even though AIDS statistics by country show that incidence and infection rates are dropping on the global level, specific locations are actually getting worse. Namely, in Eastern Europe, most HIV infections occur in Russia and Ukraine. Furthermore, along with Eastern Europe and Central Asias increase, the Middle East and North Africa have seen a 22% rise in new HIV infections, according to HIV and AIDS statistics.

Are Some Regions Of The United States More Impacted By Hiv Than Others

Hope for HIV-AIDS Cure? ‘Kick and Kill’ strategy for HIV-infected cells | World English News

Yes. HIV is largely an urban disease, with most cases occurring in metropolitan areas with 500,000 or more people. The South has the highest number of people living with HIV, but if population size is taken into account, the Northeast has the highest rate of people living with HIV.

*Rates per 100,000 people. Includes adults, adolescents, and children under the age of 13.

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Afmar: Ending The Aids Epidemic Through Research

afmAR was founded in 1985 by Drs. Krim and Sonnabend to raise funds for research on HIV and AIDS. Today, they are one of the worlds leading nonprofit organizations for AIDS research.

Their impact and transparency ratings:Charity Navigator gives amfAR a 3-star rating.

amfARs mission is to end the global AIDS epidemic through innovative research


What they do: amfAR funds innovative research on HIV and AIDS treatment and prevention by awarding grants. Their Target Grants fund between $100,000 $400,000 to teams researching HIV cures, and their Mathilde Krim Fellowships in Biomedical Research grants fund postdoctoral researchers transitioning to independent careers while researching HIV and AIDS. The charity also runs free databases with information about HIV and AIDS to help inform policymakers and drive research-backed advocacy to end the AIDS epidemic in the US.

What theyve achieved: Since their inception, afmAR has invested nearly $617 million into their programs and awarded more than 3,500 grants worldwide. For example, in 2021, they supported 30 research teams and funded $600,000 towards research on gene therapy as a cure for HIV. Using their information database, they found large gaps in the USs HIV prevention strategy, mostly affecting the transgender population. The awareness of these issues will help to bridge the gap and allow transgender people to access quality care and support in HIV and Aids prevention, treatment, and education.

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