Sunday, September 8, 2024

Highest Hiv Rate Cities In Us

New Hiv Diagnoses In The Us And Dependent Areas For The Most

Georgia health officials report some of the highest HIV rates in the country

NOTE: Subpopulations representing 2% or less of all people who received an HIV diagnosis in 2019 are not represented in this chart.* Black refers to people having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. African American is a term often used for people of African descent with ancestry in North America. Hispanic/Latino people can be of any race.

In 2019, transgender people accounted for 2% of the 36,801 new HIV diagnoses.

  • Male-to-female d transgender people accounted for 2% of new HIV diagnoses.
  • Female-to-male e transgender people accounted for less than 1% of new HIV diagnoses.

Key Points: Hiv Diagnoses

Gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men b are the population most affected by HIV in the U.S.:

  • MSM accounted for 69% of new HIV diagnoses in the United States.c
  • From 2015 through 2019 in the United States and 6 dependent areas, Black/African American MSM accounted for more than 36% and White MSM accounted for more than 30% of HIV diagnoses among MSM annually.
  • In 2019, Black/African American MSM accounted for 26% of new HIV diagnoses and 37.9% of diagnoses among all MSM.
  • In 2019, Hispanic/Latinod MSM made up 22% of new HIV diagnoses and 32.5% of diagnosis among all MSM.

The number of HIV diagnoses decreased among MSM overall, but trends varied by race/ethnicity. From 2015 through 2019:

  • Among MSM aged 1324 years, HIV diagnoses decreased or were stable among all racial/ethnic groups.
  • HIV diagnoses increased among American Indian/Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander MSM, ages 24 and older.

Transgender people accounted for approximately 2% of new HIV diagnoses in 2019.

  • From 2015 through 2019 in the United States and 6 dependent areas, the number of diagnoses of HIV infection for transgender adults and adolescents increased.
  • In 2019, among transgender adults and adolescents, the largest percentage of diagnoses of HIV infections was for transgender male-to-female people.

Blacks/African Americans and Hispanics/Latinx continue to be severely and disproportionately affected by HIV:

New Hiv Diagnoses And People With Diagnosed Hiv In The Us And Dependent Areas By Area Of Residence 2020*

Data for 2020 should be interpreted with caution due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on access to HIV testing, care-related services, and case surveillance activities in state and local jurisdictions.* Among people aged 13 and older.Source: CDC.Diagnoses of HIV infection in the United States and dependent areas, 2020. HIV Surveillance Report2022 33

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Cities Show Movement In Our Rankings

Numerous cities worsened significantly in our rankings, including:

  • Washington, DC rose 12 spots from 17 5
  • Knoxville, TN rose 17 spots from 26 9
  • New Orleans, LA rose 13 spots from 24 11
  • Jacksonville, FL rose 15 spots from 38 23
  • Albany, NY rose 15 spots from 68 53

It wasnt all bad news some cities bucked the national trend with improved STD rates. For instance, Milwaukee, WI and Indianapolis, IN both moved out of the Top 10, though they remain among the Top 25 cities.

Other cities rankings also improved dramatically, such as:

  • Shreveport, LA improved 12 spots from 9 21
  • Denver, CO improved 13 spots from 19 32
  • Richmond, VA improved 12 spots from 32 44
  • Portland, OR improved 15 spots from 73 88
  • Omaha, NE improved 13 spots from 79 92

The Global Hiv/aids Epidemic

Highest Aids Rate By City 2017

HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is one of the worlds most serious public health challenges. But there is a global commitment to stopping new HIV infections and ensuring that everyone with HIV has access to HIV treatment.

According to UNAIDS:

Number of People with HIVThere were approximately 38.4 million people across the globe with HIV in 2020. Of these, 36.7 million were adults and 1.7 million were children . In addition, 54% were women and girls.

New HIV InfectionsAn estimated 1.5 million individuals worldwide acquired HIV in 2021, marking a 32% decline in new HIV infections since 2010. New HIV infections, or HIV incidence, refers to the estimated number of people who newly acquired HIV during a given period such as a year, which is different from the number of people diagnosed with HIV during a year. Of these 1.5 million new HIV infections:

  • 1.3 million were among adults
  • 160,000 were among children

HIV TestingApproximately 85% of people with HIV globally knew their HIV status in 2021. The remaining 15% did not know they had HIV and still needed access to HIV testing services. HIV testing is an essential gateway to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support services.

  • 85% knew their HIV status
  • 75% were accessing ART
  • 68% were virally suppressed

Perinatal TransmissionIn 2021, 81% of pregnant people with HIV had access to ART to prevent transmitting HIV to their babies during pregnancy and childbirth and to protect their own health.

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An End To The Hiv Epidemic

The CDC has an initiative to end the HIV epidemic. One goal is to lower new cases by 75% by 2025, and then by at least 90% by 2030. The CDC plan includes more HIV testing, better access to care for people with HIV, and access to HIV prevention with drugs like PrEP. PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis, is a special medication for HIV-negative people at high risk for HIV, such as a person in a sexual relationship with someone living with HIV, who injects drugs, or who doesnât always use condoms.

But not everyone who could benefit from PrEP gets it. For instance, far more white people than African American people are being prescribed PrEP. This is despite the fact that African American gay and bisexual men have a much higher need. And just 16% of at-risk young people ages 16 to 24 are taking it.

Another challenge is that many at-risk people who start on PrEP donât stick with it even though they remain at risk. This happens most often among African American and Hispanic people, young adults, and people with a substance use disorder. If the CDC can work to overcome these obstacles, HIV rates can keep coming down.

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Condom Availability And Use

One of key requirements for health departments receiving previous CDC prevention funding was to establish and maintain condom distribution programmes for people with HIV and people at high risk of acquiring it. Between 2012 and 2014, the most recent data available, these types of programmes distributed over 248 million condoms.69

Despite this, CDC reports a long-term decline in condom use among men who have sex with men from as early as 2005 . In 2016, it was reported that the greatest increase in sex without condoms was seen in young men, aged 18 to 24.70

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Do Some Parts Of The Country Have More Hiv Than Other Parts

Yes. HIV is largely an urban disease, with most cases occurring in metropolitan areas with 500,000 or more people. The South has the highest number of people living with HIV, but if population size is taken into account, the Northeast has the highest rate of people living with HIV.

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Effective Treatment And Counseling Top Of Page

Washington D.C. Has Top US HIV/AIDS Infection Rate

As has been discussed in numerous past issues of The PRN Notebook, an HIV-infected patients viral loadespecially when the patient is unaware of his HIV serostatusis a significant determinant of infectiousness. Antiretroviral therapy has been documented to reduce viral load, which includes among its many benefits decreased transmission risk. The problem is that individuals who dont know their HIV status are not aware that they are infectious and are not receiving treatment to reduce their viral loads, Dr. Frieden said. We also need to continually reiterate key HIV prevention messages to our HIV-positive patients: that abstinence is 100% effective, and that limiting the number of sex partners, always using condoms, and never using dirty needles prevent HIV transmission.

Figure 3. Reported Primary and Secondary Syphilis Case Rates in New York City, 20002003

A fundamental goal of New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene HIV/AIDS programming is to curb the epidemic. However, there are significant challenges ahead, including the well-documented resurgence of risky sexual behavior. As is shown here, syphilis cases in New York City have increased more than four-fold over the past three years. The number of syphilis cases doubled between 2000 and 2001, increased another 46% in 2002, and another 22% in 2003. The increase is almost entirely among men, especially MSM.

Source:New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

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Prompt Diagnosis Top Of Page

Four-thousand two-hundred New York City residents were diagnosed with HIV infection in 2003. However, more than 1,000 of them learned they were HIV-positive at the time of the AIDS diagnosis, meaning that they had been infected with the virus for an average of 1012 years. Most of these individuals had contact with the health care system, Dr. Frieden said. Had testing been offered as a routine part of their medical care, they would have been diagnosed early and fewer of their partners would have become infected.

Ensuring prompt diagnosis of HIV infection will require expanded testing. Dr. Frieden explained that HIV testing needs to become a normal part of medical care. Whats more, rapid testing initiatives need to be expanded. HIV testing needs to be implemented much more widely at correctional facilities, such as Rikers Island, STD clinics, community sites where large numbers of at-risk people congregate, community organizations, hospital emergency departments, inpatient units, homeless populations, chemical dependency programs, and other areas. Testing should also be coordinated with housing and other social services.

Key Points: Hiv Incidence

  • HIV incidence declined 8% from 2015 to 2019. In 2019, the estimated number of HIV infections in the U.S. was 34,800 and the rate was 12.6 .
  • , the annual number of HIV infections in 2019, compared with 2015, decreased among persons aged 1324 and persons aged 45-54, but remained stable among all other age groups. In 2019, the rate was highest for persons aged 25-34 , followed by the rate for persons aged 35-44 .
  • , the annual number of HIV infections in 2019, compared with 2015, decreased among persons of multiple races, but remained stable for persons of all other races/ethnicities. In 2019, the highest rate was for Blacks/African American persons , followed by Hispanic/Latino persons and persons of multiple races .
  • , the annual number of new HIV infections in 2019, as compared to 2015, decreased among males, but remained stable among females. In 2019, the rate for males was 5 times the rate for females .
  • , the annual number of HIV infections in 2019, compared with 2015, decreased among males with transmission attributed to male-to-male sexual contact, but remained stable among all other transmission categories. In 2019, the largest percentages of HIV infections were attributed to male-to-male sexual contact

For more details on recent HIV incidence statistics, see Estimated HIV Incidence and Prevalence in the United States, 2015-2019.

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Antiretroviral Treatment Availability In The Usa

In December 2014, the USA released guidelines recognising the benefits of early treatment for someone living with HIV, as well as the benefits treatment can have on preventing HIV being transmitted to others.101

Despite this, for every 100 people living with HIV in the USA in 2015, only 63 initiated care treatment, 49 were retained in care, and 51 achieved viral suppression.102

More people in HIV care are accessing antiretroviral treatment , increasing from 89% in 2009 to 94% in 2013. However treatment outcomes vary across different ethnic groups. Fewer African American/black people than Hispanics and white people are on ART and fewer have a suppressed viral load. African American/black people are also less likely to have sustained viral suppression over time and to experience longer periods with viral loads at a level that increases their risk of transmitting HIV.103104

Adolescents and young people also struggle to access effective treatment, with worse outcomes than all other age groups at every stage of the HIV treatment cascade. More than a quarter of adolescents and young adults who test positive for HIV are not receiving care services within a month of diagnosis. Around a quarter of adolescents and young adults who access treatment do not stay on it. Only half of all adolescents and young adults who test positive for HIV achieve viral suppression, while one in three adolescents and young adults who achieve viral suppression do not sustain it.105

Hiv Infection By Race And Ethnicity

Cluster Of HIV Cases Involves Hispanic Men In San Antonio

Despite declines in HIV in men of all races, the number of African American and Hispanic people with HIV continues to be far higher than the number of white people with it.

African American people make up 13% of the population but are 40% of people with HIV and 44% of new diagnoses. Black men account for three-quarters of new HIV infections among all Black people. In this group, researchers ascribe 82% of infections to male-to-male sexual contact.

The HIV infection rate among African American women is the highest compared to women of all other races and ethnicities. Ninety-one percent of the new HIV infections in this group come from heterosexual contact. African American transgender women account for 62% of HIV infections among transgender women in seven major U.S. cities.

Hispanic/Latinx people are 18% of the population, but they make up 25% of those with HIV and 30% of new diagnoses.

The numbers tell the story: For the year 2019, among new infections in gay or bisexual men, 8,900 were Black, 7,900 were Hispanic/Latino, and 5,100 were white. Among heterosexual men, 1,400 were Black, 530 were Hispanic/Latino, and 450 were white. Among heterosexual women, 3,100 were Black, 1,000 were Hispanic/Latina, and 930 were white.

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Hiv Treatment And Antiretroviral Therapy

HIV can be controlled and treatedthough not fully curedthrough the use of antiretroviral therapy medicines, which can keep patients healthy for many years by reducing the amount of HIV present in the body. ART both helps slow the progression of the virus and also reduces the chances of transmitting the virus to other people. ART is typically taken as a combination of three or more medications, which can sometimes be combined into one pill.

Patients whose viral loads drop to fewer than 200 copies of HIV per milliliter of blood are said to have entered viral suppression or viral load suppression. Some even achieve an HIV level so low it is unmeasurable via current tests. This is classified as an undetectable viral load and is the ideal condition for HIV patients.Approximatley 72% of the total population of those diagnosed with HIV are being treated with ART. Testing and treatment coverage of HIV has dramatically improved around the world. That said, poverty, gender inequality, and HIV stigma and discrimination are major barriers to HIV prevention and treatment in many countries.

Cities With The Highest Std Rates In The United States

With COVID-19 dominating the news for the past few years, statistics about the high STD disease rates in the United States have flown under the radar. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released new data in its STD Surveillance report showing an alarming increase in STD outbreaks.

While COVID-19 is still on our minds, we should not overlook the countless other viruses affecting average Americans. As government statisticsshow, STDs impact well above 110 million United States residents. A majority of these infections occur in cities with the highest STD rates in the country, where viruses can spread quickly.

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Hiv Rates By Country 2021

HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, is a virus that is spread through certain body fluids, such as blood, and weakens a persons immune system by attacking cells that help fight off infection, specifically the CD4 cells. If HIV advances, it can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS, if not treated.

Unlike most other viruses, the human body cannot fight off HIV completely therefore, once it is contracted, the individual has it for life. Luckily, it can be controlled and its progression can be slowed significantly. There are three stages of HIV:

  • Acute HIV infection
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    Columbia South Carolina 256

    Georgia ranks fifth highest in the nation for new HIV diagnoses

    South Carolinas Channel 10 reports that poverty, rural geography, lack of affordable healthcare and social stigma all contribute to the prevalence of HIV in the South. Researchers say being a part of the Bible Belt adds to the stigma, meaning that in some cases, a diagnosed person might not seek treatment due to

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    Hiv/aids In The United States

    The AIDS epidemic, caused by HIV , found its way to the United States between the 1970s and 1980s, but was first noticed after doctors discovered clusters of Kaposis sarcoma and pneumocystis pneumonia in homosexual men in Los Angeles, New York City, and San Francisco in 1981.Treatment of HIV/AIDS is primarily via the use of multiple antiretroviral drugs, and education programs to help people avoid infection.

    Initially, infected foreign nationals were turned back at the United States border to help prevent additional infections. The number of United States deaths from AIDS has declined sharply since the early years of the diseases presentation domestically. In the United States in 2016, 1.1 million people aged over 13 lived with an HIV infection, of whom 14% were unaware of their infection.Gay and bisexual men, African Americans, and Latino Americans remain disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS in the United States.

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