Sunday, September 8, 2024

Can You Still Get Hiv While On Prep

What Happens Once A Person Starts Prep

Can you still get HIV on PREP (HIV-AIDS pep)

Once you start PrEP, you will need to take PrEP every day. PrEP is much less effective when it is not taken every day.

Continue to use condoms while taking PrEP. Even though daily PrEP can greatly reduce your risk of HIV, it does not protect against other STDs, such as gonorrhea and chlamydia. Combining condom use with PrEP will further reduce your risk of HIV, as well as protect you from other STDs.

You must also take an HIV test every 3 months while taking PrEP, so you will have regular follow-up visits with your health care provider. If you are having trouble taking PrEP every day or if you want to stop taking PrEP, talk to your health care provider.

How To Get Started On Prep

You can get PrEP through Nurx by answering some simple questions about your health and lifestyle, as well as undergoing several lab tests. One of these is an HIV test, which will ensure that you are HIV-negative and can start PrEP. We can send the lab kit to your home, giving you a discreet option for obtaining PrEP. You can also have the testing done at a lab near you. If its a healthy option for you and can help reduce your risk of contracting HIV, we will ship your medication to you in discreet packaging.

PrEP is an effective way to prevent HIV in those who are at a higher risk of contracting the virus.

Importance Of Getting Hiv Tested Before Starting Prep And Going Forward

The updated 2017 PrEP guidelines published by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer a protocol of medical and ethical best practices for offering and prescribing PrEP. Of great importance is the guideline that you are confirmed HIV negative through an antigen and/or antibody HIV test before starting PrEP. In some cases, a provider may wish to do an additional test 30 days after starting PrEP. Both of these tests are there for your protection, as starting PrEP while already having HIV could result in developing a strain that is harder to treat.

It is recommended that you use PrEP daily while you are at risk of acquiring detectable HIV. Your provider will likely ask you to be tested for HIV every three months, as well as to receive screening for syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia quarterly .

When getting tested for sexually transmitted infections , you will most likely be offered a swab in your throat, your rectum, your vagina. People with penises will be asked to submit a urine sample. This is called “multi-site testing,” which maximizes the identification of infection in any of the sites where STIs can be found. Multi-site testing is done because an STI in your rectum would not show up in urine or in other areas, thus with limited testing it would not get properly treated.

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Prep Is A Pill That Can Help Prevent Hiv

PrEP is the common name for a medicine that can help reduce a persons risk of getting HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. The clinical term for this treatment is Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, which means prevention before exposure.

PrEP is used to reduce the risk of HIV infection in people at higher-than-average risk. This includes men who have sex with men, people who dont use a condom every time they have sex, people who inject drugs, and anyone who has a partner living with HIV whose viral load is detectable. Currently, the only FDA-approved medicine for this purpose is Truvada. Truvada is a combination of 2 medicines used to treat active HIV infections called tenofovir and emtricitabine.

What If I Dont Have Health Coverage Or Still Cant Afford Prep

Guidelines for PrEP HIV Prevention

Dont have insurance or Medicaid coverage? There are resources that may be able to help you pay for PrEP and your necessary clinic visits and tests.

One source is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Ready, Set, PrEP program that provides PrEP at no cost for people without prescription drug coverage. For more information, and to find out if you qualify, see the blue box below.

Another source is Gileads Medication Assistance Program for PrEP . You can apply for this program to see if you can get PrEP at no cost, based on your income. For more information call 505-6986.

If you do have health insurance that still requires a co-pay but you cant afford it, you may receive co-pay assistance from drug manufacturers, state programs, or patient advocacy foundation.

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Since Prep Medication Alone Is Not Effective At Treating Hiv Is It Possible That Taking Prep Could Lead To My Developing Drug Resistant Hiv If I Become Infected Could It Lead To Higher Levels Of Drug Resistant Virus In The Community

HIV testing is a critical component when using PrEP for HIV prevention. HIV testing is done before a person begins PrEP to ensure that only HIV negative people are prescribed PrEP. Periodic HIV testing for everyone taking PrEP ensures that anyone who gets HIV will be identified quickly so they can be put on an effective treatment regimen. If a person on PrEP gets HIV, drug resistance testing is done to determine an effective treatment regimen. There is no evidence that PrEP can lead to higher rates of drug resistant virus in the community.

Protect Yourself From Hiv With Prep

Protecting yourself from HIV , is a big part of taking pride in yourself and your health. While theres currently no vaccine to protect against HIV, if youre HIV-negative there are steps you can take to help protect yourself. One pill, taken every single day can lower your risk of getting HIV by up to 99 percent.

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What Is The Most Important Information I Should Know About Truvada For Prep

Before and while taking TRUVADA for PrEP:

  • You must be HIV negative before you start and while taking TRUVADA for PrEP. Do not take TRUVADA to reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 unless you are confirmed to be HIV negative.
  • Get tested for HIV-1 immediately before and at least every 3 months while taking TRUVADA.
  • If you think you were exposed to HIV-1, tell your healthcare provider right away. They may do more tests to confirm that you are still HIV negative.
  • Many HIV-1 tests can miss HIV-1 infection in a person who has recently become infected. Tell your healthcare provider if you had a flu-like illness within the last month before starting or at any time while taking TRUVADA.
  • Symptoms of new HIV-1 infection include tiredness, fever, joint or muscle aches, headache, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, night sweats, and/or enlarged lymph nodes in the neck or groin.
  • TRUVADA by itself is not a complete treatment for HIV-1. Do not take TRUVADA for PrEP unless you are confirmed to be HIV-1 negative.
  • To further help reduce your risk of getting HIV-1:
  • Do not miss any doses of TRUVADA. Missing doses may increase your risk of getting HIV-1 infection.
  • Know your HIV status and the HIV status of your partners. If your partner is living with HIV, your risk of getting HIV is lower if your partner consistently takes HIV treatment every day.
  • Get tested for other sexually transmitted infections. Some STIs make it easier for HIV-1 to infect you.
  • TRUVADA can cause serious side effects:

    How Can To Help Stop The Spread Of Hiv

    is it possible to get hiv while on prep ?

    To lower the risk of getting HIV and other STIs:

    • Those who are HIV-negative should consider PrEP. If a possible HIV exposure occurs, PEP may provide emergency protection.
    • Use condoms during vaginal and anal sex.
    • Get tested and treated for STIs and follow healthcare providers recommended screening schedule.
    • Before having sex with someone, ask them to get tested for HIV and STIs.
    • Those who inject drugs should get clean needles from a needle exchange.
    • Avoid sharing needles for drugs and tattoos.

    Talk to a healthcare provider about PrEP if a sexual partner has HIV with a detectable viral load or theres another known risk of contracting the virus. Heres a search tool for finding healthcare providers who prescribe PrEP.

    Anyone who thinks they might have contracted HIV needs to get tested immediately. Early treatment can help manage the symptoms, lower the risk of complications, lower the risk of transmitting HIV to a sexual partner, and help people to live a long and healthy life.

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    The New Formulation Of Prep

    In August, an FDA advisory panel voted 16 to 2 to recommend a new formulation of PrEP for men who have sex with men and transgender women, while voting 8 to 10 against approval in cisgender women. The panel was presented with data from a single study sponsored by Gilead, the manufacturer of the drug, which is a combination of emtricitabine and tenofovir alafenamide . This new formulation is less likely to affect the kidneys and bones, yet is just as effective as Truvada in preventing HIV.

    The DISCOVER trial enrolled 5,387 participants across 92 study sites. Nearly all were cisgender men. Less than 10% of the study participants were Black. Only 74 transgender women were enrolled, and the study explicitly excluded cisgender women.

    The FDA panel members acknowledged these limitations. Dr. Lindsey Baden, an infectious disease physician at Brigham and Womens Hospital and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, noted weve failed women, and Dr. Roblena Walker, a consumer representative on the panel, voted against approval, citing the poor representation of Black men in the study, a lost opportunity to provide substantial data reflective of the community that is impacted by HIV.

    Is The Prep Medication Effective For Treating Hiv Infection

    PrEP medications are not effective alone for treating HIV infection. If you acquire HIV infection while taking PrEP, the provider who conducted the HIV test should either provide HIV medical care or refer you to a healthcare provider who can provide HIV care. The HIV care provider will conduct lab tests and determine the most effective regimen to treat your HIV infection. There is no evidence that having taken PrEP will impact the effectiveness of your HIV treatment. People who acquire HIV while on PrEP can be successfully treated with HIV medications.

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    What Are Prep And Pep

    PrEP and PEP are medicines to prevent HIV. Each type is used in a different situation:

    • PrEP stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis. It is for people who don’t already have HIV but are at very high risk of getting it. PrEP is daily medicine that can reduce this risk. With PrEP, if you do get exposed to HIV, the medicine can stop HIV from taking hold and spreading throughout your body.
    • PEP stands for post-exposure prophylaxis. PEP is for people who have possibly been exposed to HIV. It is only for emergency situations. PEP must be started within 72 hours after a possible exposure to HIV.

    Has Anyone Gotten Hiv When They Were On Prep

    For all of you barebacking while on PrEP. Please be ...

    Ekaterina_Marory for iStock via Thinkstock

    Pre-exposure prophylaxis was initially approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in July 2012 due to its exceptional ability to prevent new HIV acquisitions. One of the persisting fears people may have when starting PrEP is wondering whether a risk remains of contracting HIV while on PrEP without using an additional barrier method that we’ve become accustomed to seeing as the gold standard definition of “safe sex.”

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    How Effective Is It

    Skipping a dose or not taking PrEP regularly lowers the pill’s ability to protect you. If you take it:

    • Every day, your level of protection is around 99%
    • 4 days a week, your level of protection is around 96%
    • 2 days a week, your level of protection is around 76%

    It can take 7-20 days from when you take your first pill until it’s most effective.

    Descovy is the newer of the approved drugs and, unlike Truvada, it is not yet known if Descovy will protect HIV-negative women who have sex with an HIV positive man,

    Cases Of Hiv Seroconversion On Prep With Verified Adherence

  • Location: Toronto, CanadaReceived resistant strain? YesAdherence confirmed by dried blood stain test? YesDescription: A 43-year-old gay man seroconverted after two years on PrEP. Dried blood spotting tests demonstrated greater than adequate adherence at the time of seroconversion. His strain suggested that he acquired a virus resistant to the same medications found in the drug Stribild .

  • Received resistant strain? NoAdherence confirmed by DBS? YesDescription: A 50-year-old gay man in a PrEP demonstration project seroconverted HIV eight months after starting PrEP. Dried blood spotting tests demonstrated greater than adequate adherence at the time of seroconversion. He did not acquire a strain of HIV that is resistance to medications.

  • Received resistant strain? YesAdherence confirmed by dried blood stain test? Yes, as well as hair samplingDescription: A 21-year-old Latinx man acquired HIV between months 10-13 of using PrEP. He had been confirmed as HIV negative at initiation, as well as months 3, 6, and 10. Through hair sampling it was verified he had more than adequate adherence from the previous 6 months. His strain of HIV was resistant to the same medications as his primary partner. His viral load was quickly brought down to undetectable.

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    Does Prep Create Resistance To Hiv Meds

    Some researchers are exploring whether taking PrEP might make a person resistant to HIV medications if they do get HIV. But so far the research shows that this is infrequent and is most likely to happen when the person starts taking PrEP when theyre already HIV-positive.

    Since PrEP is only for HIV-negative people, an HIV-positive person would be taking PrEP only if the HIV test given at the beginning of the prescription process showed a false negative or if they got HIV while taking PrEP.

    Its very rare to get HIV while taking PrEP as prescribed, but it becomes more possible if you dont take it every day.

    How Do You Get Prep

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    If you think PrEP may be right for you, visit your doctor or health care provider. PrEP is only available by prescription. Any health care provider licensed to write prescriptions can prescribe PrEP specialization in infectious diseases or HIV medicine is not required.

    If you dont have a doctor, you can use the HIV Services Locator to find a PrEP provider and other HIV services near you. You can visit many community health centers for a PrEP consultation. More than 190 health centers in the 57 jurisdictions prioritized in the Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative are providing PrEP services. Many health centers in other jurisdictions also provide PrEP services.

    Because PrEP is for people who are HIV-negative, youll have to get an HIV test before starting PrEP and you may need to get other tests to make sure its safe for you to use PrEP.

    If you take PrEP, youll need to see your health care provider every 3 months for repeat HIV tests, prescription refills, and follow-up.

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    When Should I Start Pep And How Long Do I Need To Take It

    PEP must be started within 72 hours after a possible exposure to HIV. The sooner you start it, the better every hour counts.

    You need to take the PEP medicines every day for 28 days. You will have to see your health care provider at certain times during and after taking the PEP, so you can have an HIV screening test and other testing.

    How Can I Start Prep And How Long Do I Take It For

    You must take an HIV test before starting PrEP to be sure that you dont already have HIV. If you have HIV already then taking PrEP may increase the likelihood of developing drug resistance which makes HIV treatment less effective.

    While youre taking PrEP, you should visit your healthcare professional for regular check-ups .

    Unlike HIV treatment, people do not stay on PrEP for life. PrEP is normally taken for periods of weeks, months or a few years when a person feels most at risk of HIV. This might be during specific relationships, after the break-up of a relationship and dating new people, when planning a holiday when you know you will be sexually active with new people whose status you may not know, while dealing with drug use problems, or when trying to conceive and one of you is known to be HIV positive.

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    How Much Does It Cost

    PrEP is expensive — it can cost as much as $13,000 a year without insurance. Most insurance plans do cover Truvada, which means you’d pay your normal copay amount for brand-name drugs.

    Coverage differs from state to state, but PrEP should also be covered by Medicaid and Medicare.

    If you have to pay for PrEP yourself, there are financial assistance programs that may help, including from the drug manufacturer, public health services, and clinical trials.

    I Prefer Sex Without A Condom So I Don’t Always Use Them Would Prep Still Work To Prevent Hiv If I Don’t Use Condoms

    The New Reality of HIV

    If a person takes the PrEP medication consistently as directed, it provides a high level of protection against HIV. Condoms provide protection against sexually transmitted infections . People who are on the PrEP medication but are not using condoms may be exposed to an STI. It is important to be aware that having an STI can increase a persons chance of getting HIV if exposed to the virus. Some STIs dont have symptoms or symptoms may disappear on their own for periods of time. If you are not using condoms regularly, it would be especially important to have regular testing for STIs and to get treated as soon as possible if you have an STI. Screening for chlamydia and gonorrhea should include swabs of a persons genitals, rectum and mouth. Learning about the signs and symptoms of STIs is helpful in identifying whether you or one of your partners has an STI. Condom use is recommended but choosing to not use condoms routinely should not prevent you from being prescribed PrEP.

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