Sunday, September 8, 2024

When Does Hiv Become Aids

Hiv And Aids Diagnosis

When Does HIV become AIDS – Telugu

HIV tests check your blood or fluid from your mouth for antibodies that your body makes in response to the virus. You can take them at a doctorâs office, a community health center, a hospital, or at home.

When you have HIV, your doctor will keep an eye on how much of the virus is in your system. You might hear them call it your âviral load.â Two things will tell them if your infection has become AIDS:

  • Your CD4 count. A person with a healthy immune system has 500 to 1,600 CD4 cells in a cubic millimeter of their blood. A person with AIDS has fewer than 200. This number is called your âCD4 count.â
  • AIDS-defining infections. These are also called opportunistic infections. These generally happen in people who have a CD4 count below 200. Viruses, bacteria, or fungi that donât usually make healthy people sick can cause these infections in someone with HIV or AIDS.

How long it takes HIV to become AIDS is different for everyone. If you donât get treatment, it might take 10 to 15 years. With treatment, you may never have AIDS.

Testing For Drug Resistance

HIV often changes or mutates in the body. Sometimes these changes make the virus resistant to certain medicines. Then the medicine no longer works.

Medical experts recommend testing the blood of everyone diagnosed with HIV to look for this drug resistance.footnote 8 This information helps your doctor know what medicines to use.

You also may be tested for drug resistance when:

  • You are ready to begin treatment.
  • You’ve been having treatment and your viral load numbers stop going down.
  • You’ve been having treatment and your viral load numbers become detectable after not being detectable.

Hiv Treatment As Prevention

  • Post-Exposure Prophylaxis
  • Treatment as prevention refers to taking HIV medication to prevent the sexual transmission of HIV. It is one of the highly effective options for preventing HIV transmission. People living with HIV who take HIV medication daily as prescribed and get and keep an undetectable viral load have effectively no risk of sexually transmitting HIV to their HIV-negative partners.

    TasP works when a person living with HIV takes HIV medication exactly as prescribed and has regular follow-up care, including regular viral load tests to ensure their viral load stays undetectable.

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    How Is Hiv/aids Diagnosed

    Early HIV infection often causes no symptoms, and must be detected by testing a persons blood for the presence of antibodiesdisease-fighting proteinsagainst HIV. These HIV antibodies generally do not reach levels high enough to detect by standard blood tests until 1 to 3 months following infection, and may take as long as 6 months. People exposed to HIV should be tested for HIV infection as soon as they think they may have been exposed to HIV.

    When a person is highly likely to be infected with HIV and yet antibody tests are negative, a test for the presence of HIV itself in the blood is used. Repeat antibody testing at a later date, when antibodies to HIV are more likely to have developed, is often recommended.

    How Is It Treated

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    The standard treatment for HIV is a combination of medicines called antiretroviral therapy, or ART. Antiretroviral medicines slow the rate at which the virus multiplies.

    Taking these medicines can reduce the amount of virus in your body and help you stay healthy.

    To monitor the HIV infection and its effect on your immune system, a doctor will regularly do two tests:

    • Viral load, which shows the amount of virus in your blood
    • CD4+ cell count, which shows how well your immune system is working

    After you start treatment, it’s important to take your medicines exactly as directed by your doctor. When treatment doesn’t work, it is often because HIV has become resistant to the medicine. This can happen if you don’t take your medicines correctly.

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    Latency Causes A Break In Symptoms

    After initial exposure and possible primary infection, HIV may transition into a stage called clinically latent infection. Its also referred to as asymptomatic HIV infection due to a noticeable lack of symptoms. This lack of symptoms includes possible chronic symptoms.

    According to, latency in HIV infection can last for 10 or 15 years. This doesnt mean that HIV is gone, nor does it mean that the virus cant be transmitted to others. Clinically latent infection may progress to the third and final stage of HIV, also referred to as AIDS.

    The risk for progression is higher if a person with HIV isnt receiving treatment, such as antiretroviral therapy. Its important to take prescribed medications during all stages of HIV even if there arent any noticeable symptoms. There are several medications used for HIV treatment.

    Hiv Stigma And Discrimination

    HIV can prompt intense feelings in people, regardless of their HIV status. It is sometimes viewed with a sense of unacceptability or disgrace. A person with HIV may feel shame and despair about their status. An HIV-negative person may be fearful or angry when they discover someone has HIV. The relationship of these feelings to HIV is referred to as stigma.Felt stigma refers to deep feelings of shame and self-loathing, and the expectation of discrimination. It can have serious negative impacts on the health and wellbeing of people living with HIV by discouraging them from getting tested, receiving support, or taking treatment. It may also lead people to engage in high-risk behaviours that harm their health, and contribute to new HIV infections.Enacted stigma is the experience of unfair treatment by others. For people living with HIV this can be in the form of being treated differently and poorly, or through rejection, abuse, or discrimination.HIV stigma is particularly harmful when it overlaps with other factors that are stigmatised such as if a person uses drugs, is a sex worker, is trans or gender diverse.Breaking down stigma is a community response where:

    If you have experienced stigma or discrimination from a health care provider, and are unable to resolve your complaint with them directly, contact the Health Complaints Commissioner

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    This Is How Hiv Decides To Become Active

    Researchers have found the molecular mechanism underpinning HIVs decision to remain in an active or dormant state. This may lead to new therapies that work by keeping the virus in a permanently dormant state.

    The study, led by a team from the Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco, CA, features in a paper now published in the journal Cell.

    The findings may also explain cell fate decisions that occur elsewhere in biology such as how stem cells decide whether to remain as stem cells or differentiate into specialized cells, including brain or heart cells, when they divide.

    Senior study author Prof. Leor S. Weinberger, the director of the Center for Cell Circuitry at the Gladstone Institutes, likens the process to how we hedge our bets when we make decisions about financial investments.

    To protect against volatility in the market, we may choose to place some funds in high-risk stocks with potentially high yields and the rest in low-risk, low-yield options.

    Similarly, he explains, HIV covers its bases in a volatile environment by generating both active and dormant infections.

    Other Prevention Benefits Of Hiv Treatment

    how long does it take to become undetectable in hiv (hiv undetectable, hiv treatment)

    In addition to preventing sexual transmission of HIV there are other benefits of taking HIV medication to achieve and maintain an undetectable viral load:

    • It reduces the risk of mother-to-child transmission from pregnancy, labor, and delivery. If a woman living with HIV can take HIV medication as prescribed throughout pregnancy, labor, and delivery and if HIV medication is given to her baby for 4-6 weeks after delivery, the risk of transmission from pregnancy, labor, and delivery can be reduced to 1% or less. Scientists dont know if a woman living with HIV who has her HIV under control can transmit HIV to her baby through breastfeeding. While it isnt known if or how much being undetectable or virally suppressed prevents some ways that HIV is transmitted, it is reasonable to assume that it provides some risk reduction.
    • It may reduce HIV transmission risk for people who inject drugs. Scientists do not yet know whether having a suppressed or undetectable viral load prevents HIV transmission through sharing needles or other injection drug equipment, but it is reasonable to assume that it provides some risk reduction. Even if you are taking HIV medication and are undetectable, use new equipment each time you inject and do not share needles and syringes with other people.

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    Treatment For Hiv Or Aids

    Clinging to antiretroviral treatment can decrease HIV to an undetectable viral burden. No fix is right now accessible for HIV or AIDS. Thus, medicines can stop the movement of the condition and permit a great many people living with HIV the chance to live a long and generally stable life.

    Beginning ART from the get-go in the movement of the infection is essential. It improves personal satisfaction, broadens the future, and decreases the danger of transmission, as indicated by the WHOs rules from June 2013. Progressively compelling and better-endured medicines have advanced that can improve general wellbeing and personal satisfaction by taking as meager as one pill every day.

    An individual living with HIV can decrease their viral burden to such an extent, that it is not, at this point, perceivable in a blood test. In the wake of evaluating various enormous investigations, the CDC inferred that people who have no noticeable viral burden have adequately no danger of explicitly transmitting the infection to an HIV-adverse accomplice.

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    Early Symptoms Of Hiv

    Some people with HIV have no symptoms for months or even years after contracting the virus. Partly because of this, 1 in 7 peoplewith HIV in the U.S. do not know that they have it.

    While a person with no symptoms may be unlikely to seek care, there is still a high risk of transmission. For this reason, experts recommend regular testing, so that everyone is aware of their HIV status.

    Meanwhile, around 80% of people with HIV develop flu-like symptoms around 26 weeks after contracting the infection. These symptoms are collectively called acute retroviral syndrome.

    Early symptoms of HIV may include:

    • white spots on the tongue or mouth
    • shortness of breath, or dyspnea
    • swollen glands lasting for weeks
    • diarrhea, which is usually persistent or chronic
    • a fever of over 100°F that lasts for weeks
    • continuous fatigue
    • unintentional weight loss

    A person with AIDS has a significantly increased risk of developing a life threatening illness. Without treatment, people with AIDS typically live for around 3 years after the diagnosis.However, by taking other medications alongside HIV treatment, a person with AIDS can control, prevent, and treat serious complications.

    When a person with HIV takes effective treatment, the infection may never progress to stage 3. Treatment can also help a person recover some lost immune function, which will help ward off severe infections.

    • candidiasis of the bronchi, trachea, esophagus, and lungs
    • coccidioidomycosis

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    Hiv Blood Tests And Results

    A specialist can test for HIV utilizing a particular blood test. A positive outcome implies that they have recognized HIV immunizer in the circulation system. The blood is re-tried before a positive result gets given. After the expected presentation to the infection, early testing and analysis are essential and enormously improves the odds of fruitful treatment. Home testing packs are additionally accessible.

    HIV may take 3 and a half year to appear in testing and re-testing might be essential for a complete determination. Individuals in danger of disease inside the most recent a half year can have a quick test. The test supplier will regularly suggest another test inside half a month.

    Talk With Your Hiv Health Care Provider

    HIV and AIDS: What

    Talk with your health care provider about the benefits of HIV treatment and which HIV medication is right for you. Discuss how frequently you should get your viral load tested to make sure it remains undetectable.

    If your lab results show that the virus is detectable or if you are having trouble taking every dose of your medication, you can still protect your HIV-negative partner by using other methods of preventing sexual transmission of HIV such as condoms, safer sex practices, and/or pre-exposure prophylaxis for an HIV-negative partner until your viral load is undetectable again.

    Taking HIV medicine to maintain an undetectable viral load does not protect you or your partner from getting other sexually transmitted diseases , so talk to your provider about ways to prevent other STDs.

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    Things To Know About Hiv Suppression

    A vial of blood

    A vial of blood

    Development of antiretroviral drugs to treat HIV has turned what was once an almost always fatal infection into a manageable chronic condition. Daily antiretroviral therapy can reduce the amount of HIV in the blood to levels that are undetectable with standard tests. Staying on treatment is crucial to keep the virus suppressed. NIAID-supported research has demonstrated that achieving and maintaining a durably undetectable viral load not only preserves the health of the person living with HIV, but also prevents sexual transmission of the virus to an HIV-negative partner.

    Stage : Acute Primary Infection

    The early symptoms of HIV can feel like having the flu. Around one to four weeks after getting HIV, you may start to experience these flu-like symptoms. These normally dont last long . You may only get some of the symptoms and some people dont have any symptoms at all.

    Symptoms can include:

    • joint aches and pains
    • muscle pain.

    These symptoms happen because your body is reacting to the HIV virus. Cells that are infected with HIV are circulating throughout your blood system. In response, your immune system tries to attack the virus by producing HIV antibodies this process is called seroconversion. Timing varies but once you have HIV it can take your body up to a few months to go through the seroconversion process.

    Having these symptoms alone does not mean you definitely have HIV. The only way to know if you have HIV is by taking a test. You should always visit your healthcare professional if youre worried about or think youve been at risk of getting HIV, even if you feel well and dont have any symptoms. They can then arrange for you to get tested.

    HIV will not always show up in a test at this early stage, and you may need to test again later to confirm your result . Your healthcare professional will talk to you about the timing of your test and answer any concerns. Its important not delay speaking to a healthcare worker if you are worried about HIV.

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    To 28 Days After Exposure

    The exception: a symptom called lymphadenopathy, the sometimes painful swelling of lymph nodes in the neck, behind the ears, under the armpits, or in the upper groin region. Even when the other symptoms have disappeared, lymphadenopathy may continue for months or even longer.

    The important thing to remember is that the resolution of symptoms does not mean the infection is gone, says Dennis Sifris, MD, an HIV specialist with the Lifesense Disease Management Group, located in South Africa. HIV is not like hepatitis, which can spontaneously clear. HIV is forever and is better treated sooner rather than later.

    What Is The ‘four

    When Does HIV Become AIDS? – Malayalam

    In 1983, the Centers for Disease Control in the United States listed the main at-risk groups, including partners of people with AIDS, people who inject drugs, haemophiliacs and people who have recently been to Haiti. At the time that cases of AIDS began to emerge in the USA, the absence of definitive information about HIV and its link to AIDS, inflated the panic and stigma surrounding the epidemic. Before long people began to talk colloquially of a 4-H Club at risk of AIDS: homosexuals, haemophiliacs, heroin addicts and Haitians, contributing to further stigmatisation.21

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    Stages Of Hiv Infection

    The stages of infection from person to person vary slightly, both in severity and the speed of progression. These stages map the depletion of immune cells as the body’s defenses further and further degrade.

    With each progression, the risk of opportunistic infections increases until the immune system is said to be fully compromised. It is at this stage that the risk of illness and death is particularly high.

    The stages of infection can be roughly classified as follows:

    If You Already Have Hiv

    If you are infected with HIV, you can greatly lower the risk of spreading the infection to your sex partner by starting treatment when your immune system is still healthy.

    Experts recommend starting treatment as soon as you know you are infected.footnote 21

    Studies have shown that early treatment greatly lowers the risk of spreading HIV to an uninfected partner.footnote 22, footnote 23

    Your partner may also be able to take medicine to prevent getting infected.footnote 17 This is called pre-exposure prophylaxis .

    Steps to avoid spreading HIV

    If you are infected with HIV, you can greatly lower the risk of spreading the infection to your sex partner by starting treatment when your immune system is still healthy.

    • Take antiretroviral medicines. Getting treated for HIV can help prevent the spread of HIV to people who are not infected.
    • Tell your sex partner or partners about your behaviour and whether you are HIV-positive.
    • Follow safer sex practices, such as using condoms.
    • Do not donate blood, plasma, semen, body organs, or body tissues.
    • Do not share personal items, such as toothbrushes, razors, or sex toys, that may be contaminated with blood, semen, or vaginal fluids.

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